Ten Things You Should Know Before Visiting Las Grutas Tolantongo
You’ve probably seen a Tiktok or Instagram Reel of a wall of swimming pools sitting on a cliffside with something like, “Places to check out in Mexico other than Tulum or Cancun!” as the caption. Earlier this year in February, I had bookmarked that exact Tiktok and completely forgot about it after. Little did I know that I would have the chance to see these pools in person just a few months later in November!

Summer's end in Marseille and Southern Rhone Valley
Almost eight years ago, Sabine and I lived with the same host family when we were just wee babies studying abroad in Strasbourg and it just felt right to commemorate our friendship in the country where it all began. Neither of us is exactly sure why we chose Marseille, but hey if there’s an Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown episode about it, I’m in.